- Dirac states of topological insulators
- Charge-carrier dynamics in transition metal dichalcogenides
- Formation of metal-organic interface states
- Charge transfer & Electronic states
- Structure
- Charge transfer & Electronic states
- Coherent phonons

- Adsorption mechanism
- Adsorption dynamics
- Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoemission (2PPE)
- Time-Resolved Momentum Microscopy
- Nonlinear Optical Methods (5WM, SHG/SFG)
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
- Time-Resolved Orbital Tomography
- Techniques for Surface Characterization (LEED, AES, TPD, XPS/UPS,…)
Surface Dynamics
- Ultrafast dynamics of electronic excitations
- Adsorption on semiconductor surfaces
- Interface spectroscopy
- Surface and Interface Currents
Surface Analytics
- Layered metallic and organic structures
- Infrared vibrational spectroscopy of adsorbates