SFB 1083 image film portrays research at internal interfaces

Still image of a computer animation from the SFB 1083 image film illustrating research of our group on metal/organic contacts and electronic interface states (Image: Till Schürmann)
A new film of SFB 1083 (in German) takes the non specialist on a journey down to atomic scale and shows the progress at the forefront of reseach at internal interfaces.
This 6 minutes video clip made by Till Schürmann (www.till-schuermann.de) is not a demanding educational film. Rather, it is a visually stunning piece that looks like science fiction taken straight out of a movie, with tracking shots that take the viewer down to the nanometer scale, with flights through luminous molecules, exotic excitons and space-filling laser labs.
The film also has a very impressive soundtrack. Gustav Holst’s (1874-1934) composition „The Planets“ was re-orchestrated especially for this film.
An english version of the video will become available in a couple of weeks.
Struktur und Dynamik innerer Grenzflächen – YouTube
Further Information (in German):
SFB 1083 news page