Surface & Interface Science Marburg
We do basic experimental research in the field of surface and interface science. Our investigations focus on optical excitations, electron transfer processes and vibrational properties of solid surfaces and internal interfaces. Our main methods are ultrafast laser spectroscopy, time-resolved photoemission, scanning tunnelling microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. Our experiments on well-defined monocrystalline metal and semiconductor samples are usually carried out in ultra-high vacuum. In recent years, the focus has shifted from very simple model systems such as hydrogen on silicon or image-potential states to more complex organic/inorganic interfaces and to surfaces and interfaces of novel materials such as topological insulators or two-dimensional semiconductors. (Introduction for students, in German)
Detection of an inferface-specific coherent phonon mode
Gerson Mette and co-workers succeed in exciting and detecting an interface-specific coherent phonon signal at the buried GaP/Si(001) heterointerface […]
Ultrafast birth, rise, and collapse of a Floquet-Bloch band structure
Suguru Ito and coworkers reveal that under strong periodic driving Floquet replica of electronic surface bands form already after one optical cycle. New material properties, at lightning speed and on demand – this vision moves a step closer thanks to these findings […]
Science Slam Winner
Sarah Zajusch wins Science Slam in Cologne with a contribution on Two-Photon Photoemission from 2D semiconductors […]
Poster Presentation Prize at DPT 2022 in Karlsruhe
ERC Synergy Grant Orbital Cinema
The European Research Council (ERC) awarded a Synergy Grant of 11.3 million Euros to the project “Photoemission Orbital Cinematography: An ultrafast wave function lab”, in short “Orbital Cinema” […]
Surface Dynamics
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Höfer
- Ultrafast dynamics of electronic excitations
- Adsorption on semiconductor surfaces
- Interface Spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Jens Güdde
- Surface and Interface Currents
Surface Analytics
Prof. Dr. Peter Jakob
- Layered metallic and organic structures
- Infrared vibrational spectroscopy of adsorbates
Mette et al.,
Adv. Mater. Inferfaces
February 2025
Interface‐Specific Excitation of Coherent Phonons at the Buried GaP/Si(001) Heterointerface
Glaser et al.,
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
July 2024
Chemoselective Adsorption of Allyl Ethers on Si(001): How the interaction between two functional groups controls the reactivity and final products of a surface reaction
Adamkiewicz et al.,
J. Phys. Chem. C
October 2023
Coherent and incoherent excitation pathways in time-resolved
photoemission orbital tomography of CuPc/Cu(001)-2O